ছোটবেলা থেকে হাজার হাজার শব্দ মুখস্ত করে এসেছি। স্কুলের পড়া দেয়া, পরীক্ষায় ভালো রেজাল্ট করা, ইন্টারভিউতে পাস করা, ইংরেজি মুভি বুঝতে পারাসহ নানা কারনে শব্দ মুখস্ত করেছি।
সেই সব কমন শব্দগুলো একদম ঠোঁটের কাছাকাছি পেলে মুখ থেকে ইংরেজি বেড়োনোটা আর একটু সহজতর হতো। আর সেই উদ্দেশ্য সামনে রেখেই আমাদের এবারে পর্বটি।
এ পর্বে আমরা খুবই কমন, সচরাচর ব্যবহার করি এমনসব শব্দের একটি লিস্ট পাবো। খুব মনোযোগ সহকারে শব্দগুলো চর্চা করবো এবং অনলাইন কুইজের মাধ্যমে নিজে নিজেই যাচাই করে নিবো।
Word | Bangla Meaning | Sentence | |
ability | ক্ষমতা | I have the ability to learn new things quickly. | |
able | সক্ষম | I am able to speak three languages. | |
about | প্রায়, সম্পর্কে | There are about 500 students in my school. | |
above | উপর | The bird is flying above the trees. | |
abroad | বিদেশে | I have never been abroad before. | |
absent | অনুপস্থিত | The student was absent from school today. | |
absolutely | একেবারে | The movie was absolutely terrible. | |
accent | উচ্চারণ | She has a beautiful French accent. | |
accept | গ্রহণ করতে | I accept your apology. | |
access | প্রবেশ | I have access to the internet at work. | |
disabled access | প্রবেশ বন্ধ | The disabled access ramp is located on the side of the building. | |
internet access | ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ | The museum offers free internet access to students and seniors. | |
accident | দুর্ঘটনা | The car accident happened at the intersection. | |
accommodation | আবাসন | The hotel offers a variety of accommodation options. | |
accompany | সঙ্গ দেওয়া | She is accompanied by her husband. | |
according to | অনুসারে | According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow. | |
account | হিসাব | I have a bank account with Chase. | |
accountant | হিসাবরক্ষক | The company's accountant is responsible for managing the finances. | |
accurate | সঠিক | The information in the report is accurate. | |
ache | ব্যথা | My back aches after a long day of work. | |
achieve | অর্জন করা | I achieved my goal of getting into college. | |
across | জুড়ে | I walked across the street. | |
act | অভিনয় করা | He acted in the school play. | |
action | কর্ম | The police took action against the criminals. | |
active | সক্রিয় | I am an active member of my community. | |
activity | কার্যক্রম | I enjoy participating in outdoor activities. | |
actor | অভিনেতা | He is a famous actor. | |
actress | অভিনেত্রী | She is a talented actress. | |
actually | আসলে | I'm actually quite good at math. | |
ad (advertisement) | বিজ্ঞাপন | I saw an ad for the new iPhone on TV. | |
add | যোগ করতে | I added two and two together and got four. | |
addition | যোগ | I would like to add the following to my order: a side salad and a glass of wine. | |
address | ঠিকানা | My address is 123 Main Street. | |
admire | প্রশংসা করা | I admire her intelligence and her strength. | |
admission | ভর্তি | The admission fee for the museum is $10. | |
charges/cost/price | দাম | The charges for the service are $50. | |
admit | স্বীকার করা | I admit that I made a mistake. | |
adult | প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক | The adult ticket price is $20. | |
advance | অগ্রিম | I booked my tickets in advance. | |
book in advance | আগে থেকে বুক করা | I booked my flight in advance so I could get a good price. | |
advanced | উন্নত | The students are in an advanced math class. | |
advantage | সুবিধা | I took advantage of the sale and bought a new TV. | |
adventure | অ্যাডভেঞ্চার | I went on an adventure to the rainforest. | |
advert (n) | বিজ্ঞাপন | I saw an advert for the new movie on TV. | |
advertise (v) | বিজ্ঞাপন দিতে | The company is advertising its new product on social media. | |
advertisement (n) | বিজ্ঞাপন | The advertisement was very effective and made me want to buy the product. | |
advice | পরামর্শ | I asked my teacher for advice on how to improve my grades. | |
advise (v) | পরামর্শ দেওয়া | The doctor advised me to lose weight and exercise regularly. | |
aeroplane (n) | বিমান | I took an aeroplane to go on vacation. | |
afford (v) | সামর্থ্য বহন করতে | I can't afford to buy a new car right now. | |
afraid (adj) | ভয় পেয়ে | I'm afraid of heights. | |
after (adv,conj & prep) | পরে | I'm going to the gym after work. | |
afternoon (n) | বিকেল | I have a meeting in the afternoon. | |
afterwards (adv) | পরে | We went to the park afterwards. | |
again (adv) | আবার | I'm going to try that again. | |
against (prep) | বিরুদ্ধে | I'm playing against my friend in a tennis match tomorrow. | |
age (n) | বয়স | The age of consent in this country is 18. | |
aged(adj) | বয়স্ক | The aged man sat on the bench. | |
agency (n) | সংস্থা | I booked my flight through a travel agency. | |
ago (adv) | আগে | It happened a long time ago. | |
agree (v) | সম্মত হতে | I agree with your opinion. | |
ahead (adv) | সামনে | The car in front of me pulled ahead. | |
aim (n & v) | লক্ষ্য | My aim is to become a doctor. | |
air (n) | বাতাস | The air is polluted in this city. | |
air conditioning (n) | এয়ার কন্ডিশনিং | The air conditioning is not working. | |
air force (n) | বিমান বাহিনী | The air force is responsible for defending the country from air attacks. | |
airline (n) | বিমান সংস্থা | I flew on Delta Airlines to get to my destination. | |
airport (n) | বিমানবন্দর | I arrived at the airport two hours before my flight. | |
alarm (n) | এলার্ম | The alarm went off at 6:00 AM. | |
alarm clock (n) | ঘড়ি | I set my alarm clock for 6:00 AM. | |
album (n) | অ্যালবাম | I listened to my favorite album on my way to work. | |
alike (adv) | একই রকম | The two sisters are very alike. | |
alive (adj) | জীবিত | The cat is alive. | |
all (adj, adv, det & pron) | সব | I have all the necessary ingredients for the recipe. | |
all right/alright (adj,adv & exclam) | ঠিক আছে | Are you all right? | |
allow (v) | অনুমতি দেওয়া | The teacher allowed us to use our phones for research. | |
almost (adv) | প্রায় | I almost forgot to bring my keys. | |
alone (adv & adj) | একা | I was alone in the house. | |
along (adv & prep) | বরাবর | I walked along the beach. | |
aloud (adv) | জোরে | He read the poem aloud to the class. | |
alphabet (n) | বর্ণমালা | The alphabet has 26 letters. | |
already (adv) | ইতিমধ্যে | I have already finished my homework. | |
also (adv) | এছাড়াও | I would like to have a pizza, and I would also like a salad. | |
although (conj) | যদিও | I like to eat healthy, although I sometimes indulge in junk food. | |
altogether (adv) | সব মিলিয়ে | The cost of the trip altogether was $1000. | |
always (adv) | সবসময় | I always brush my teeth before bed. | |
amazed (adj) | অবাক | I am amazed by the beauty of nature. | |
amazing (adj) | অবাক করা | The new iPhone is an amazing piece of technology. | |
ambition (n) | উচ্চাকাঙ্খা | My ambition is to become a doctor. | |
ambulance (n) | অ্যাম্বুলেন্স | The ambulance arrived quickly to take the injured person to the hospital. | |
among (amongst) (prep) | মধ্যে | I am among the best students in my class. | |
amount (n) | পরিমাণ | The amount of money I spent on groceries this week was $100. | |
amusing (adj) | মজাদার | The comedian's jokes were very amusing. | |
an (det) | একটা | I saw an eagle flying overhead. | |
ancient (adj) | প্রাচীন | The ancient ruins of the city are a popular tourist attraction. | |
and (conj) | এবং | I like to eat pizza and ice cream. | |
angry (adj) | রাগান্বিত | The teacher was angry because the students were not paying attention. | |
animal (n) | পশু | My favorite animal is the dog. | |
ankle (n) | গোড়ালি | I sprained my ankle playing basketball. | |
anniversary (n) | বার্ষিকী | Our wedding anniversary is next month. | |
announce (v) | ঘোষণা করা | The company announced that it will be releasing a new product next year. | |
announcement (n) | ঘোষণা | The announcement was met with cheers from the crowd. | |
annoy (v) | বিরক্ত করা | The mosquito buzzing in my ear was very annoying. | |
annual (adj) | বার্ষিক | I have an annual physical exam every year. | |
another (det & pron) | আরেকটি | I would like another cup of coffee. | |
answer (n & v) | উত্তর | The answer to the question is 2 + 2 = 4. | |
answerphone (n) | এনসারফোন | I left a message on the answerphone. | |
ant (n) | পিঁপড়া | The ant was carrying a piece of food that was much bigger than itself. | |
antique (adj & n) | প্রাচীন | I bought an antique vase at the flea market. | |
anxious (adj) | উদ্বিগ্ন | I am anxious about my job interview tomorrow. | |
any (det & pron) | কোন | Do you have any questions? | |
anybody (pron) | কেউ | Is anybody there? | |
anymore (adv) | আর না | I don't go to the movies anymore. | |
anyone (pron) | কেউ | Anyone can do it. | |
anything (pron) | কিছু | Is there anything I can help you with? | |
anyway (adv) | যেভাবেই হোক | I'm going to the store anyway, so I can pick up some milk for you. | |
anywhere (adv) | যে কোথাও | I can go anywhere I want. | |
apart (adv) | দূরে | The two friends live apart now. | |
apart from (adv) | ছাড়া | Apart from the rain, the day was perfect. | |
apartment (n) | অ্যাপার্টমেন্ট | I live in a small apartment. | |
apartment building (n) | \\r\\n অ্যাপার্টমেন্ট বিল্ডিং \\r\\n | The apartment building is 20 stories tall. | |
apologise (v) | ক্ষমা চাওয়া | I apologize for my mistake. | |
apology (n) | ক্ষমাপ্রার্থনা | I accepted her apology. | |
appear (v) | দেখা যাওয়া | The magician made the rabbit appear out of thin air. | |
appearance (n) | চেহারা | She has a professional appearance. | |
apple (n) | আপেল | I ate an apple for breakfast. | |
application (n) | আবেদন | I submitted my application for the job. | |
apply (v) | আবেদন করা | Apply a small amount of cream to the affected area. | |
appointment (n) | অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট | I have an appointment with the doctor next week. | |
approach (v) | নিকটবর্তী হওয়া | I approached the teacher to ask her a question. | |
approve (v) | অনুমোদন করা | The manager approved my vacation request. | |
architect (n) | স্থপতি | The architect designed the new museum. | |
architecture (n) | স্থাপত্য | I love the architecture of this city. | |
area (n) | এলাকা | The area around the school is very safe. | |
argue (v) | তর্ক করা | The two friends were arguing about who was right. | |
argument (n) | তর্ক | The argument between the two politicians was very heated. | |
arm (n) | হাত | I broke my arm in a fall. | |
armchair (n) | আর্মচেয়ার | I sat in the armchair and read a book. | |
army (n) | সেনাবাহিনী | The army is responsible for defending the country from attack. | |
around (adv & prep) | চারপাশে | I walked around the park. | |
arrange (v) | ব্যবস্থা করা | I arranged to meet my friend for lunch. | |
arrangement (n) | ব্যবস্থা | The arrangement of the flowers in the vase was beautiful. | |
arrest (v) | গ্রেপ্তার করা | The police arrested the suspect. | |
arrival (n) | আগমন | The arrival of the train was delayed. | |
arrive (v) | আসা | I arrived at the airport early. | |
art (n) | শিল্প | I love the art in this museum. | |
article (n) | নিবন্ধ | I read an article about the new iPhone in the newspaper. | |
artist (n) | শিল্পী | The artist painted a beautiful picture of the landscape. | |
as (conj & prep) | হিসাবে | As you can see, I am very happy. | |
ashamed (adj) | লজ্জিত | I am ashamed of my behavior. | |
ask (v) | জিজ্ঞাসা করা | I asked her what time it was. | |
asleep (adj) | ঘুমন্ত | The baby is asleep. | |
aspirin (n) | অ্যাসপিরিন | I took an aspirin to relieve my headache. | |
assistant(n) | সহকারী | The teacher's assistant helped the students with their homework. | |
as well (as) (prep & adv) | এছাড়াও | I like to eat pizza as well as ice cream. | |
at (prep) | এ | I am at the library. | |
at I@ (n) | এট | The symbol @ is used in email addresses. | |
at all (prep phr) | একেবারেই না | I am not at all interested in what he has to say. | |
at first (prep phr) | প্রথমে | At first, I was scared, but then I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. | |
athlete (n) | ক্রীড়াবিদ | The athlete won a gold medal in the Olympics. | |
athletics (n) | ক্রীড়া | Athletics is a sport that involves running, jumping, and throwing. | |
at last (prep phr) | অবশেষে | At last, I have finished my homework. | |
at least (prep phr) | অন্তত | At least I tried my best. | |
atmosphere (n) | বায়ুমণ্ডল | The atmosphere is very tense. | |
at once (prep phr) | অবিলম্বে | I need to see a doctor at once. | |
at present (prep phr) | বর্তমানে | At present, I am working on a new project. | |
attach (v) | সংযুক্ত করা | I attached the file to the email. | |
attack (n & v) | আক্রমণ | The dog attacked the cat. | |
attempt (v) | চেষ্টা করা | The robber attempted to rob the bank. | |
attend (v) | উপস্থিত থাকা | I attended the meeting yesterday. | |
attention (n) | মনোযোগ | Please pay attention. | |
at the same time (prep phr) | একই সাথে | I can do two things at the same time. | |
attitude (n) | মনোভাব | He has a positive attitude. | |
attract (v) | আকর্ষণ করা | The magnet attracted the metal. | |
attraction (n) | আকর্ষণ | The amusement park is a popular attraction. | |
attractive (adj) | আকর্ষণীয় | She is a very attractive woman. | |
audience (n) | দর্শক | The audience cheered for the performers. | |
aunt (n) | খালা | My aunt is my mother's sister. | |
author (n) | লেখক | The author of the book is Stephen King. | |
autumn (n) | শরত | Autumn is my favorite season. | |
available (adj) | উপলব্ধ | The book is available at the library. | |
average (adj & n) | গড় | The average temperature in this city is 20 degrees Celsius. | |
avoid (v) | এড়িয়ে চলুন | I try to avoid eating junk food. | |
awake (adj) | জাগ্রত | I am awake now. | |
away (adv) | দূরে | I am away from home. | |
awful(adj) | ভয়ানক | The movie was awful. |
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